Is Your Web Developer a Cowboy?

What do you think of your web developers?

We have been silent for the last few years. But we get asked this question by business owners every chance we get. Marketing Director as well as executive responsible for the website of the company. access, improve or maintain their online presence. We also asked them whether they are satisfied with the website provided by the developer. Or do they think it would be very beneficial to their business? Responses were delivered immediately. The professional experience of a web developer is like Marmite: you either love them or you hate them.

Interestingly, more than 80% of survey respondents said web development that their experience working with developers or web designers had been “bad” or “terrible”. Most of the web developers have provided incomplete details. Some people feel that those obsessed with it are “making fun” of them. “Technology and jargon” or intentionally or not. Raise their expectations beyond what is possible with their investment. Thousands of people are investing in web development companies to take their business online. Now there are websites which have no commercial purpose and no research. General sentiment from the survey to date as well as words used by more than one disgruntled respondent. The spirit of the web builder is: “LOAD COWBOY”.

These bad experiences don’t just affect those who are dissatisfied with their results. It has also influenced the website development and internet marketing industry. It is believed that all the inventors of the web are the same and no one can be trusted. This is a major downfall in online business promotion. “We tried it but it didn’t work” is the common response.

What do web developers have to say?

To balance the picture, we additionally surveyed web developers and web design firms to see if we could find out what was causing these business problems.

Many people are unaware of the situation. Some business owners openly scoff at it. with general answer

“They don’t know what they’re doing.”

“As you know, we are not telepaths!”

“They didn’t understand what was happening.”

“We never got the right information.”

“He changed his mind before the latest change took place.”

Perceptible failure in communication where each party appears to blame the other.

Why did this happen? There are many reasons for this. But focusing on the issue of communication. We asked web designers whether they request or receive web design briefs from their clients. Most of them are “some”! Although they are usually budget or budget the business owner wants to spend and require “good” ideas, real estate and development or new (“complete” and “new”) technologies, they are not readable. Together – for ‘heavy’ and ‘expensive’)!

Whose business is this?

Not writing web developer resumes? Of course, no no, it is the responsibility of the business owner to explain their needs, goals and current status. And plans for the future described by more than one inventor. “As you know, we are not telepaths!”

Additionally, the stress of attempting to run a small web development business in an increasingly competitive industry. This means that they don’t have the time or other resources to teach business owners how to write a web design brief. If it’s good for everyone, in many cases there is no clear and effective communication. This is when business owners ask questions. It’s nobody’s fault that they don’t understand most of the time. You get a plan and then a website with design and construction work.

Our expertise is website development.

Our experience shows that most web developers want to do what’s best for their clients.

They have the skills and knowledge to build websites to suit their clients’ businesses. They have the tools and resources to get the job done. Furthermore, we have noticed that there are web designers who mistake the functionality of the software they use as a creative skill. In the last decade, we have come across only a few people who have done this intentionally. As some businesses say, “their customers run them.”