A lot of people are worried about how to subtract in Excel without knowing that Excel is a strong tool that can assist them in effectively managing and organizing data. Not just that, it offers a wide range of capabilities (both on the Online Excel Sheet version). And this includes the ability to execute difficult calculations like subtraction.

Also, in Excel, the difference between two integers is typically calculated using the fundamental mathematical process of subtraction. Well, for those contemplating how to subtract in Excel, allow this page to walk you through the process easily.

Easy Guidelines on How to Subtract in Excel

Here are some easy steps for subtracting in Excel:

The Basics

1. Decide which Cell will Display the Result

In order to subtract in Excel, you must first choose the cell that will hold the result of your subtraction. Enter the formula that will be used to execute the subtraction after that. In Excel, the fundamental formula for subtraction is:

  •  =number1 – number2

The two numbers you wish to subtract in this formula are “number1” and “number2”. For instance, you would type =10 – 5 to subtract 5 from 10.

2. Press the Enter Key

Pressing the enter key after you have typed the formula will cause Excel to show the outcome of your subtraction.

When Removing Cells

1. Use Cell References in Your Formula

Excel allows you to utilize cell references in formulas to remove values from two separate cells. Instead of typing the actual values into other cells, you can refer to them by using cell references. You must apply the following formula to subtract the numbers in two cells:

  • =cell1 – cell2

The references to the cells you want to subtract are “cell1” and “cell2” in this formula. You would type:

  • =B1 – A1 (if you wanted to subtract the value in cell A1 from the value in cell B1).

2. Hit the Enter key

Once more, press the enter key after typing the calculation, and Excel will show the outcome of your subtraction.

How to Subtract Multiple Cells: Some Tips

1. Include Negative Values and the SUM Function

Excel’s SUM function and the negative values of the cells you want to remove can be used to subtract numbers from numerous cells. Excel has a built-in function called SUM that lets you add up a group of cells. Use the following formula to remove many cells:

  • =SUM(cell1, -cell2, -cell3,…)

The cell references for the cells you want to subtract are “cell1”, “cell2”, and “cell3” in this formula. Keep in mind that the cells you want to subtract from the calculation must have negative values. For instance, you might put =SUM(A1, -B1, -C1) to subtract the values in cells A1, B1, and C1.

2. Hit the Enter Key

The next thing to do is to press the enter key after you have typed the formula will cause Excel to show the outcome of your subtraction.

Taking Away Across Sheets

You are to make use of the same methods as previously stated above. However, with a small adjustment, you can subtract numbers from many sheets in Excel. You must include both the sheet name and the cell reference in your formula in this situation. Also, you must use the following formula to subtract values from many sheets:

  • The formula is =’sheet name’!cell1 -‘sheet name’!cell2

The name of the sheet containing the cell you want to subtract is indicated by “sheet name” in this formula. For instance, you would say =Sheet2!A1 – Sheet1!A1 if you wanted to subtract the value in cell A1 in Sheet1 from the value in cell A1 in Sheet2.

However, pressing the enter key after you have typed the formula will cause Excel to show the outcome of your subtraction.

What is the Subtraction Formula in Excel?

The subtraction formula in Excel is = number1 – number2. The two numbers you wish to subtract in this formula are “number1” and “number2”. For instance, you might type = 10 – 5 to subtract 5 from 10. 

However, pressing the enter key after you have typed the formula will cause Excel to show the outcome of your subtraction.


From the above, it is important to note that a straightforward formula can be used to perform subtraction in Excel. And Excel offers a number of methods for subtracting integers. This includes the use of the minus sign for simple subtraction, cell references for removing values from various cells, the SUM function for subtracting values from numerous cells, and sheet names for subtracting values from various sheets.

As such, you can use Excel more effectively to complete challenging computations and data analysis jobs if you become proficient in these strategies. Also, Excel can perform a wide range of arithmetic operations, including subtraction. With practice, you can master using Excel to manage and edit data in a variety of ways.